When I first heard the word philosophy, I wanted to know what it meant. And and it was one of the words that I liked the most. When I learned what it meant, it meant philosophy and philosophy, but it was just a translation. While its deeper meaning is something else. which I like. I found this when I tried to know its meaning.

"(Philosophy) What is Philosophy, what is its importance in our life. What does (philosopher) mean, understand it, where does Philosophy go as 'Philosophy'. Philosopher is one who loves knowledge, the goal of every philosopher is to attain knowledge and love it. The word Darshan Darshan is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Drish' which means to see, but here seeing does not mean to see with the eyes but to see with reason, inner vision, point of view, and insight. And in this one's own experience is also very important. In Philosophy, many views are discussed (on the subject) by proofs (by evidence). The person who lives for philosophy is called a Philosopher. Philosophy gives us the perspective to see things and understand them. Hence, Philosophy It is also very important for our life.Since each person has his own personal point of view, philosophy. Therefore, everyone is a philosopher. Yes! He can be a good philosopher or a bad philosopher. Philosophy makes a person rational. He does not accept any philosophy or any opinion of anyone just like that. He asks many questions. What is life? What is the purpose of life? What is the nature of this world? Why has the person come to this world? What is the nature of God? What is death? Is there any other world beyond human life and nature? And after his death will there be another birth? What is sorrow? How to get rid of sorrow? Why are we sad? Why do we feel sad? What is happiness? What is the relation? How to live in society? Respect - What is disrespect? Why do all people want happiness? Science does not know a clear answer to these questions. And the answer you get is clear, there is no 'guarantee' for it. Because, science first says something and later says something else, if you give a satisfactory answer to a strange question, then you are no less than a philosopher.

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